Win a Full Cookie Class!
This is one ticket for the opportunity to win a full cookie class with me!
Included in the course is everything you’ll need for decorating, including the 4 cookies and icing bags, sanding sugar and scribe. The 2 hour class is where we focus on consistency, practice piping and flooding and then move onto our final cookies where we flood, practice wet-on-wet technique.. Each participant leaves with a goodie bag & a box with their decorated sugar cookies.
This class will be customized to the winner.
Winner provides location and invites friends (max 10 people)
Date/Time will be mutually agreed upon.
Drawing May 1st and winner notified.
Local to NH/ME/MASS I wish i could drive to everywhere for this, but time constraints and whatnot.
All Money earned from sale of these tickets will be donated to an TBD infertility cause